Holdfast Bay Council ignores the wishes of residents.
Approves plan which will double debt to $60 Million
A big thankyou to 5049CCA members who responded to our “Call to Action” and attended the Holdfast Bay Council meeting on 25 June, when the Council’s 2024-25 Business Plan (Budget), including the Jetty Road, Glenelg upgrade, was voted on.
Thanks also to those who took the time to indicate their position in our survey which asked the simple question: “Do you support the $40 million Jetty Road, Glenelg upgrade project based on the funding model proposed?” Almost 1400 residents (rate payers) in Holdfast Bay responded to the survey with an overwhelming majority of 92% saying NO.
Given the community’s strong opposition to the project funding model our Association and the Holdfast Bay Resident’s Association (HBRA) worked hard to affect the outcome of the vote. Read my deputation to the Council meeting on this page.
Council chose to ignore the views of the majority of residents and voted to approve the budget, including the Transforming Jetty Road project. The only councillor who voted against it was our Seacliff Ward Councilor, Annette Bradshaw. We thank Annette for her support.
We met with our other Elected Members in Seacliff Ward, Clare Lindop and Susan Lonie, prior to the meeting with the hope that they too, would vote against it. We are very disappointed that they decided to support the budget, although we note that Clare did move an amendment to reduce the capital commitment, but this was not successful..
5049CC and HBRA are considering what further actions we can take. A letter was prepared on our behalf by Botten Levinson Lawyers and submitted to Council immediately prior to the meeting. The letter raised a number of legal concerns and stated that any decision of the Council to adopt the 2024-25 Annual Business Plan and the Long-Term Financial Plan would be contrary to the Local Government Act and invalid. We are awaiting a response from Council.
We desperately need more volunteers to help our campaign against the council’s decision. if you can help please email us at 5049communicator@gmail.com
You can also assist the Association by contacting our local councillors and expressing your view on the decision. Their details are below:
David Cruickshanks-Boyd
President 5049 Coastal Community Association
Read David’s Deputation to Council here...
Read HBRA’s Deputation to Council here
City of Holdfast Bay – Seacliff Ward Council Members
Clare Lindop:
Tel: 0417 507954
Annette Bradshaw:
Tel: 040831834
Susan Lonie:
Tel: 0417 811067