Brighton Road Re-Imagined

Campaign Summary

A new Brighton Village centre.

The nightmare of Brighton Road solved   

Join us to advocate for a Masterplan for the Brighton Village area centred on Brighton Road, Sturt Road and Jetty Road.

There is a Jetty Road Glenelg Masterplan; let’s have one for Brighton Village!!

We can transform Brighton Road from a corridor of relentless traffic to a vibrant precinct with a village atmosphere. For example, consider the revitalisation of Prospect Road into Prospect Village!

Fill in our quick poll to let us know how you feel.

From 4 April to 24 April Holdfast City Council is asking for your feedback on their draft Movement and Place Plan.

Go to to provide your feedback.

By providing your thoughts you can help us to advocate for a revitalized Brighton Road from Hove Crossing to Edwards Street (Foodland).

​Our vision for Brighton Village

​See latest updates


What is Brighton Road Re-Imagined?
An initiative by local Brighton residents to convince Holdfast City Council to develop a masterplan for Brighton Road from Hove Railway Crossing to Edward Street, Foodland.

Why do we need a Brighton Road Masterplan?
A Masterplan that includes community and local business input which enables Council to negotiate for road changes with the State Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) who own the road.

What are the main features and benefits of a Brighton Road Masterplan.
Without a Masterplan nothing changes. Or if changes do happen they are ad-hoc and don’t address the problems Brighton Road has.

What is Holdfast Bay Council’s Movement and Place Draft Plan?
It is a plan for the future of the City of Holdfast Bay’s road network until 2050. It seeks to achieve a balance between movement of traffic and public amenity to improve community well-being and business prosperity.

One of the target roads in the Movement and Place Draft Plan is Brighton Road.

Who is responsible for Brighton Road?
Minister for infrastructure and Transport Tom Kousantonis is the road owner. As such nothing will change on Brighton Rd unless his Department (DIT) adopts a movement and place strategy.

Brighton Road is all movement and no place. How can we change that?
DIT will act when enough people ask them to. When Council produces a masterplan and discusses road changes with DIT in a collaborative way.

What does a Brighton Road Masterplan need to address?

Holdfast Bay Council gets complaints from Hove and Brighton residents that Brighton Road is a relentless thoroughfare that divides our community.

Minister Tom Kousantonis also gets complaints from local residents about Brighton Road’s divisive nature.

Does a Masterplan need to address anything else?
Yes! A safe active transport two way lane separated from the roadway by a raised medium strip which is also vegetated.

Shade trees and planter boxes with colourful flowers. Flowers are proven to enhance well-being and shade trees help to cool our environment.

Trees, flower boxes and shared zone signage are used in road design to alert drivers they are entering and driving through a people friendly village.

Does Brighton Road from Hove Crossing to Edward Street need more traffic lights?
No. Brighton Rd needs less traffic lights or even no traffic lights.

There are proven road designs that don’t use traffic lights to manage traffic yet actually move the traffic faster (not speed but in time) because the design allows traffic to flow.

What is the average speed on Brighton Road between Hove and the Brighton Road shopping precincts?
28 kph to max 48 kph.

What does the group Brighton Road Re-imagined and 5049 Coastal Community envision for Hove and Brighton areas on Brighton Rd?
In short, a vibrant village feel with shade trees, active transport opportunities and urban design facilities to connect east and west Hove and Brighton suburbs.

A more up to date and people friendly road and place-making design will attract new, more interesting shops and recreational opportunities that currently don’t exist.

What can I do to make change happen?
Make your views known. In the first instance give feedback to Holdfast Bay Council on their draft Movement and Place Plan – by Thursday 25th April. Go here to provide your views –

Write to Council with what you want to see happen on Brighton Road and also to Minister Tom Kousantonis.

Write or visit Sarah Andrews our State Member of Parliament and also Louise Miller-Frost our Federal member.

Write and/or contact Councillor Jane Fleming, Councillors Annette Bradshaw and Clare Lindrop with your views.

What else can I do?
You are welcome to discuss your ideas with the Brighton Re-Imagined team.

Currently we are five local residents working as volunteers to move Council and D.I.T to make Brighton Road about people and not just vehicles.

We are very interested in having an urban designer/s, social media guru, media communication practitioner and graphic designer join our team.

We are also interested in hearing from other locals who simply get our vision and can help us spread the word.

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