Spear Fishing – Minister’s Reply
Unfortunately Minister Clare Scriven, Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development upholds the lifting of the spear fishing ban in her letter to locals.
Spearfishing was banned on the whole Adelaide metro coast for 30 years up until this year when the rules were changed, despite minimal consultation by PIRSA (Primary Industries and Regions South Australia) and ignoring the negative responses from the councils and groups they did consult with. The rules for two areas were changed: one at Outer Harbor but the other is in 5049 – south of Kingston Park to Hallett Cove and includes Marino Rocks.
Spearfishing groups had lobbied for this change, saying it would be of economic value to the coastal communities. This seems unlikely as it will probably decrease coastal visits by families, swimmers, snorkelers and divers to these areas. The spear fishers are killing marine creatures at an unsustainable rate. Apart from not wanting their children to see fish being speared, parents are worried that spears are being left uncapped on the ground so the sharp tips are a danger to children and dogs playing there.
5049 Coastal Community wrote to the minister responsible at the time for the change, Minister David Basham, Minster for Primary Industries and copied that to Minister David Speirs, Minister for the Environment.
Lynda Yates has also started a petition which can be found using this link.
After 30 years the restriction on spearfishing in Kingston Park, Marino and Hallett Cove has been removed. This has occurred without consultation with the community and against council recommendations.(see below)
Help reinstate the ban by scanning the QR code below and signing the petition to reinstate the ban. Help protect our local marine life and keep this spot a fabulous, safe place to snorkel and for everyone to enjoy
Local Campaigner and Knowledgeable local Greg Westlake
“The Spear fishers claim that spearfishing is more sustainable than line fishing has no basis in fact. It is important to understand the difference between the species that will take a hook and those that are speared. The fish taken with lines are largely pelagic and migratory. Their numbers are monitored because they are targeted by the commercial fishing industry.
Anybody who has done spearfishing knows that pelagic fish are way too fast to get within the range of a spear. The fish speared are the colorful benthic territorial reef fish. Nobody is monitoring the conservation status of reef fish in any meaningful way.
The only rocky-reefy shoreline that is close for the children of Adelaide to go snorkeling and see colorful reef fish is the section that has just been opened to spearfishing. Reef fish are not seen along the sandy sections of coast. I have enjoyed snorkeling the Marino-Hallett Cove shores for more than 40 years. There has been a significant decline in the number of fish but there are at least a few left for children to enjoy when snorkeling.”
PIRSA published an article in their newsletter here , 5049 Campaign lead Lynda Yates response to PIRSA ref Article March 2022 here
Unfortunately Minister Clare Scriven, Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development upholds the lifting of the spear fishing ban in her letter to locals.
Concerned locals made a FOI request to see results of the PIRSA survey used to justify removal of the spear fishing ban at Marino Rocks.
In late March, 2022, it was noticed by local beachgoers to Marino Rocks that there was some unwanted activity occurring