Seacliff Park Development

A new medium density residential housing development is planned for the entrance of Marino at the intersection of Ocean Boulevard and Scholefield Road. The development is to have 600 apartments, 150 townhouses, a shopping centre and a medical centre.

The Association has supported the development in principle as a positive use of the land. However we are disappointed at the lack of consultation with the local community.

The developers, the Brazzale Group have released artist impressions for the development and you can view the plans and register your interest for the floor plans from the Brazzale website.

Villawood have been announced as the home builder, you can register your interest with them on the Villawood website. The big steel sign that can be seen on the allotment is advertising the developer, not the name of the suburb.

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Our Position

The Association and the community support the development. However we know from experience and because of the scale of the development, that we have little, to no, influence. We will continue to monitor and seek opportunity for influence within our capacity; and reserve the right to support direct action by the community if the need arises.

There has been a public consultation process over the proposals in the last two years and the Association has lead two public meetings, made submissions and representations to highlight community concerns about some aspects of the proposed development.

What we understand:

  • This is a major state controlled, developer led development
  • It is unclear on the impact of the New Planning and Design Code on this DPA.
  • Our ability, resident’s ability and that of the local Councils, to influence the project is limited
  • Overall it is seen as a potentially positive development – but the devil is in the detail
  • The level of detail on the proposal is very sketchy, for example 600 houses, up to 6 stories in height
  • The time line is currently indeterminate
  • The fact that the Developer is still committed is remarkable given the delays which appear to be outside their control.
  • The current state of the site is an ongoing concern and unless there is a real life safety issue, no one can trigger improvement. It is hoped that now there is a commitment to proceed that some pride and presentation will prevail.
  • Relationship between the developer and the community is non-existent despite many attempts. Although recent discussions are promising.
  • City of Marion was actively pursuing boundary realignment to ensure the whole site is in City of Marion. This has not progressed. In fact City of Holdfast Bay have approached the boundaries commission for the site to move to Holdfast Bay. This is unlikely to be resolved soon, as it is a rates matter; and of little consequence to the developer as the approvals are through Planning SA
  • The DPA (rezoning) is a State Planning process, led by the developer and facilitated by both councils involving public consultation. Actual designs were not a requirement for this process only site planning/zones, types of buildings and heights etc.
  • Following the approval and completion of the new quarry haul road onto Majors Road/Lonsdale Highway the Development can proceed with the next level of approvals via Planning SA (State Planning)
  • Villawood have been selected as the developer of the housing (not the name of the Suburb)
  • Seacliff Village is the name of the Retail Centre
  • Name of the suburb not yet known
  • Current applications in process:
    • Subdivision for housing allotments
    • Subdivision for Medical Centre
    • Subdivision for Retail Centre
  • Once these approvals are in place it is hoped the developer will share more of the details with the community


The site was acquired some years ago by a developer (Gasparin Group).

The community has had a long association with this problematic site and has campaigned about its impacts on the community for the over 40 years.

The re-zoning process has been complex and stalled several times due to key stakeholder negotiations between Boral, the Developer and SA Govt. As a major development, other than the re-zoning process, the approvals will be a State Government Process so the local Councils will have limited influence over the process.

Overall, it is considered the proposed rezoning of the land for more intensive development is desirable and will offer increased development opportunities, provide an incentive for remediation of some of the site and a significant opportunity to improve the amenity of the area, with consequent benefits to the local and wider community. Indeed the provision of up to 600 + new homes will effectively double the population of Marino adding diversity, amenity and additional facilities for the wider community.

Both the Councils believe that “The policies proposed in the approved Development Plan Amendment (DPA) will support the development of the site for multi-level, medium density residential development, shopping and community facilities and open space, while ensuring potential adverse impacts are overcome or minimised.”

For more information on how the land has been used over the years, you can read the history of this industrial site here.

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