A shady meandering path in Seacliff extending from the Portland St underpass to the Lions Club carpark near Young St, it’s much used by dog walkers and families. Wander along on a hot day to feel a few degrees cooler and enjoy the native plant walkway. What a transformation from the neglected and weedy area it was in 2000, closed off from the public by a rusty wire fence! Sometimes it was treated by herbicide to keep the weeds down but the spray often drifted into people’s gardens affecting asthmatics and plant-life.
How was this change achieved?

Lynda Yates negotiated with Neil Thomson, Environmental Manager of TransAdelaide to have the fence moved nearer to the train track. He helpfully provided tools and funding for the footpath resurfacing.

A group of local residents set to work planting trees on both sides of the fence and the track. Unfortunately in 2013 with the electrification of the rail line some 50 sheoaks, gums and acacias trees were removed. They were considered to be too close and were chopped down to meet safety standards in case they caused a fire or fell on the track. Some green space was lost also as the fence was moved back near Young St, and the Young St pedestrian crossing was closed, much to local dismay and despite strong protests.

Nowadays the area is leased to the City of Holdfast Bay who maintain it, installing new native plants and with locals still helping informally. Have you bumped into Lynda Yates there, carefully carting water for new saplings or planting something she’s grown from local seed?
Would you like to be involved in something similar? There are groups in the 5049 community who work wonders on greening and transforming our spaces – check out the Seacliff Railcare group with their current project to create a butterfly habitat verge, showcasing local native plants on Kauri Parade opposite the ‘To Seaford’ platform.:
Second Saturday 9 -10:30am each month. Look for the flag flying in the vicinity of either platform. To get involved, visit https://www.adelaidemetro.com.au/about-us/rail-care/volunteer