As an Association we have a long history of interacting with the Mine and advocating on behalf of the community. The Association made a submission outlining our concerns on behalf of the community to address our present and future concerns. With approval the expanded quarry (mine) will be operating in our area for another 100+ years, so it was important to make sure the approvals include strict conditions to manage the mine with the least impact on the local environment and our health. This is particularly important as the population is likely to double over the next 10-15 years with the Seacliff Park (Cement Hill) development
We made a submission outlining our concerns on behalf of the community which we hope will address our present and future concerns including:
- Dust emanating from the quarry operations.
- Noise and dust coming from the crushers.
- Ineffective watering during the summer months in particular.
- Impact on the pathways of underground streams.
- Impact on the surface of the already undulating Ocean Boulevard.
- Rehabilitation of the quarry site.
- Effects of blasting on current residences.
- Possible effects on the proposed residential and commercial development on the entrance to Marino (Cement Hill)