Environment talks and 5049 Coastal Community Association AGM
Earth, water, fire and air. Come and learn about our unique and beautiful environment
$40 million Jetty Road upgrade approved
The upgrade of Jetty Road Glenelg should not be at ratepayers' expense!!
Proposed $60 Million Debt – City of Holdfast Bay
The Holdfast Bay Draft Long-Term Financial Plan 2024-2034 proposes to borrow $30 million for an upgrade of Jetty Road Glenelg. This increases the overall debt to app. $60 million.
Inspirations from around the world
Many cities around the world are working towards creating more liveable areas. Here's a few examples.
A new Brighton Village
Our Vision for a New Brighton Village Imagine you are in 2035. Brighton village is unrecognisable. It has EV...
Quick facts about Brighton Road
Some quick facts about Brighton Rd from Department of Infrastructure and Transport. 1. Average vehicle...
2023 Annual Report
The Annual Report for our Association was presented at the AGM on 19 October.
AGM and History Night
A very successful AGM and History Night was held on 19 October 2023.
Neighbourhood Watch 2023 AGM
Held at Kingston House on 8 October with guest speakers from South Australia Police the RSPCA.